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University and Hospital Partnerships in Africa (HKP)

Development of a digital learning platform for midwives

University and Hospital Partnerships in Africa (HKP)
Pays partenaire
Sierra Leone
Organisation partenaire dans le pays partenaire
Princess Christian Maternity Hospital (PCMH)
Mr Dr. A. P. Koroma
Organisation partenaire en Allemagne
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Ms Dr. Stefanie Theuring
Durée du projet
Montant du financement
Jusqu'à 295000 euros
Fondé par

In Sierra Leone, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, located in the capital Freetown, have been working together for years in the field of mother-child health. The partners are developing an app that helps midwives in remote areas decide which measures should be taken during a critical birth and are also implementing an e-learning platform for the further training of health personnel.

The project is funded by the GIZ regional program University and Hospital Partnerships in Africa (HKP). The aim of this program is to train healthcare professionals of the future and to strengthen state-of-the–art research on topics relevant to global health.

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