Laos geschnitten

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The Hospital Partnerships funding programme is carried out by the German GIZ – the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The GIZ Hospital Partnerships team works mainly in Bonn and Eschborn. As a service provider for international cooperation, sustainable development and international education work on behalf of the German Government, GIZ is dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. Together with its commissioning parties and partners, it generates and implements ideas for political, social and economic change. GIZ works to deliver effective and efficient solutions that offer people better prospects and sustainably improve their living conditions.

The Hospital Partnerships team is responsible for publishing calls for proposals on the funding rounds, for managing financial support and for delivering technical and content-related advice. It supports the partners in implementing their projects. It is also responsible for the program´s PR and networking.

22.000 GIZ employees work in around 120 countries and about 70% are employed locally as national staff. As one of seven German recognised development service providers, GIZ seconds development workers (more info you will find here at Association of German Development Services (AGdD). Furthermore, experts are placed with local employers in the partner countries by the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), a joint operation of GIZ and the German Federal Employment Agency.

The Team

The GIZ Team of the funding program

The GIZ Hospital Partnerships team consists of experts from the fields of medicine, public health, finance, administration, communication and project management.

Anselm Schneider
Dr. Anselm SchneiderProgram
Eric Hahn
PD Dr. Eric HahnTeam Lead International (0) 30 338424 607
Silke Duwe
Silke DuweTeam Lead Funding (0) 228 4460 3438
Baran Bettag
Baran (0) 228 4460 3570
Stefan Boy
Stefan (0) 228 4460 3736
Christiane Bush
Christiane BushFunds Project (0) 30 338424 523
Yuriy Didevych
Yuriy (0) 30 338424 809
Julia Erbar
Julia ErbarFinance (0) 228 4460 3755
Zoia Filipova
Zoia (0) 228 4460 1742
Dr. Florian Graz
Dr. Florian (0) 228 4460 2847
Tillmann KlapperJunior Finance (0) 6196 79-3631
Johannes Kleinschmidt
Dr. Johannes (0) 228 4460 1729
Ronja Kropp
Ronja (0) 30 338424 395
Nico Lindner
Nico LindnerFinance (0) 228 4460 1761
Jessika Mueller
Jessika MüllerFinance (0) 228 4460 3934
Martina Naumann
Martina NaumannAdministrative (0) 228 4460 1811
Linda Ockenfeld
Linda OckenfeldFunds Project (0) 228 4460 3609
Jan Patrick Ostrowski
Jan-Patrick (0) 30 338424 418
Alexander ReimchenJunior Finance (0) 6196 79 3657
Paul ruenz
Paul RünzSpecialist Monitoring and (0) 228 4460 4355
Seibt Julia
Julia SeibtOffice (0) 228 4460 3559
Blerina Shahini
Blerina ShahiniClerk & Office (0) 228 4460 4281
Tam Ta
Priv. Doz. Dr. Thi Minh Tam TaAdviser mental
Thomas Heinen
Thomas HeinenHead of Public (0) 228 4460 4137

Commissioning party

Launched in September 2016, the Hospital Partnerships – Partners Strengthen Health funding programme is a joint initiative of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation (EKFS). It is embedded in the agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 3 and Goal 17.

The German Government is the world’s third largest government donor in the health sector. It works to strengthen health systems as a key element in preventing health crises in order to reduce maternal and child mortality and combat contagious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Furthermore, it has put pandemic control on its agenda since the outbreak of the coronavirus in 2020. Medical experts have a key role to play in this context.

The Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation (EKFS) has a long-standing tradition of societal engagement in the medical and humanitarian fields. Since 1983, it has also been using its expertise to support and promote projects for research and development. The Foundation’s purpose in the medical-humanitarian sector is to sustainably improve health care in low and middle-income countries. In addition to direct medical assistance for patients and improvements to medical infrastructure on the ground, the foundation supports medical training projects in Africa, Asia and other world regions. The foundation announces annual prizes and scholarships as well as special calls for proposals.

The Hospital Partnership programme receives strategic support from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It is a member of the international ESTHER Alliance, where numerous countries share expertise on institutional health partnerships.