Valentyna Mahzbits
Voices from the Community

The Hospital Partner and psychatrist Valentyna Mahzbits from Ukraine interviewed

Woman in the lab
Project implementation

We inform our hospital partners on contract management, financial processing and reporting.

UZ Kinder

38 joint teams of pediatricians and pediatric nurses work on mother-child-healthcare.

Funding and implementation

JB GIZ HPLAOS 082019 168

1. How to prepare your project proposal

Together with your colleagues in the Global South, you have a project idea and would like to apply for funding. Take enough time to do this. The document "Designing a results framework" provides you with important guidelines. In addition, the "Sample collection of objectives and indicators" below and the explanatory video "How to write a proposal" - YouTube will support you in your planning. The project application is always submitted by the German organisation. Your colleagues work in low- and middle-income countries according to the OECD DAC criteria, which are included in the current list of countries: DAC List of ODA Recipients

PDF: GIZ Hospital Partnerships: Designing a results framework


PDF: GIZ Guided examples objectives and indicators

Pixabay Yerson Retamal

2. Next steps in the application process

At the beginning of each funding round, you can access the application portal directly via the start page. There you will find relevant application documents even before the start of the call for proposals. Information on the application portal and process for the "Global" and "Academic" funding lines can be found below in the "Application Guidelines". We always announce current funding rounds online and in our Newsletter.

3. Your application is submitted - what happens next?

After the end of the call for proposals, your submitted documents will be checked for formal correctness. This is followed by a technical assessment by external expert panels. After approval by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation (EKFS), eligible projects receive a grant agreement with GIZ. Now your project can start!

PDF: Funding lines review process Global & Academic

Explanatory video "How to write a proposal" - `Global` funding line

Administrative project implementation

1. Contract creation

  1. Before the contract is drawn up, a commercial eligibility check of the German partner organization is carried out.
  2. If your application is successful, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH concludes a subsidy contract with the applying institution. This lists the approved funds, the planned activities, and the reporting requirements.
  3. You may be asked to provide additional documents for both the commercial eligibility check and the preparation of the contract.
  4. Implementation of the project activities will not begin until the subsidy agreement has been signed by both parties.

2. Financial contract management

The financial contract management is the responsibility of the German grantee. You can use the European Union's currency calculator to specify your project expenses in the corresponding national currency. At the beginning of the project, we recommend that you first submit the funding plan and confirmation for a separate sub-account. Then you can request the first advance payment.

3. Reporting

The technical implementation is the responsibility of both partners. Please send us an annual status report and a final report at the end of the project. For this purpose, use the document "Status report specification" or the document "Final report specification" at the end of the project. Even if only a few activities have taken place, we ask you to briefly describe them.

4. Follow-up funding

Our partnerships are designed for the long term. Therefore, if you already develop new ideas for a project during the partnership project, you are welcome to apply for a follow-up funding.
We recommend that you apply for follow-up funding approximately nine months before the end of the project. At this point, we can already assess the implementation status of the current project and the transition to the follow-up phase is possible without major interruptions. The number of follow-up funding phases is not limited. We will be happy to advise you on this.

Networking and peer-to-peer

We bring you together as hospital partners and create a forum for learning experiences and insider reports.

Marggraf Wardak
— Copyright: ©GIZ/Carolin Okrent
